Copyright notice

Pages on this website include information about Rokuyo and there is, of course, no copyright on the Rokuyo calendar, its calculation, interpretation, etc.

However, the images and material contained on this site, as well as its design, is copyrighted and the owner of the site reserves all rights in and to the material.

That said, practically all content is not just from our imagination; it's been collated from innumerable sources, and those sources have likewise been collated from innumerable other sources.

As Mark Twain said:
"... the substance, the bulk, the actual and valuable material of all human utterances — is plagiarism. For substantially all ideas are second-hand, consciously and unconsciously drawn from a million outside sources..."

See, for example, the Japanese kanji for "roku yo" (shown at the top of this page). We didn't invent any kanji, and that's free for anyone to use. But all images, such as the Rokuyo image tiles used in our Rokuyu explained page and our commentaries, are our own design and ideas and therefore copyrighted.

So given de minimis non curat lex, if you want to copy something you will usually find we're quite accommodating if you ask politely. Just email us at

We are only likely to refuse, and take legal action against offenders, for reproduction of material for use opposed to the principles of this site, such as satanism and other interests commonly considered nasty.