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Is Rokuyo a religion?
Fact check - Rokuyo's credibility and reliability
Rokuyo's history
How to calculate Rokuyo
Rokuyo calendar
Rokuyo calendar (incl. lunar days)
Rokuyo's day periods
Personal testimonies
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Rokuyo at work
Best day for having a baby
Best day for a wedding
Best day for a funeral
Ditching the grutches
Best day for recovering from illness
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Japanese zodiac
Days, months, seasons
Hours, minutes, seconds
Lucky numbers
The Seven Gods of Fortune (shichifukujin)
Lucky days for having a baby
Lucky days for getting married
Lucky days for a funeral
Luck related to animals
Luck for health, wealth and happiness
Other Japanese superstitions
Other lucky resources
The Great Rokuyo Scandal
An objection to Rokuyo
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Hinoe Uma
The God of Money
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