White snakes are messengers of the gods

Several shrines throughout Japan enshrine white snakes which are considered to bring good fortune.

Snakes have been used since ancient times to kill and eat rats that destroy crops, and consequently increase the wealth and health of the family. The beliefs have extended to ensure good fortune in gambling and white rat snakes were kept as lucky talismans. Being white, a colour of purity, the snakes symbolised of spiritual purity or even manifestations of deities, which could keep evil spirits away from the house.


The rat snake in Japan is usually not white, but some are pale yellow which is close enough. There are albino white snakes, not so common and therefore qualify for the "auspicious" class, revered as messengers of the gods.

Aptly named, rat snakes have indeed played an important role in protecting crops in the past. Farmers today often keep cats and dogs to control rats, or use the cheaper option of installing owl boxes. If those are not effective then there are certain poisons, traps, barriers and electronic devices, all of which are simpler than trying to find an albino rat snake.