Zodiac systems

There are many zodiac systems; just how many, is unknown, since new systems continue to be be developed while old systems fade away.

Here we look at prominent systems, with an answer to:

What's the connection between the animal zodiac and the astrological zodiac?

The main connection is, of course, that both systems have 12 signs. That said, there are several important differences.

For the animal zodiac, each sign represents one year, whereas each astrological sign covers around one month (29–32 days). So, the animal zodiac cycle lasts twelve years, while the astrological zodiac cycle lasts one year.

Each animal sign begins its year on New Year's Day, whereas the astrological cycle's first sign (Aries) starts with the new cycle of the Sun's movement through the sky; i.e., the Spring Equinox (19–21 March).

Nonetheless, some similar personality traits can be found between the two systems' signs. (Click the link for further details on each animal):

Animal zodiacAstrological zodiacConnection
MouseAriesBoth the Mouse and Aries are energetic, quick-thinking, and ambitious, with a strong desire to take action and lead.
CowTaurusBoth the Cow and Taurus are grounded, practical, and hardworking, valuing stability and loyalty.
TigerGeminiBoth the Tiger and Gemini are energetic, adventurous, and enjoy variety, excelling in dynamic environments.
RabbitCancerBoth the Rabbit and Cancer are nurturing, empathetic, and highly sensitive, valuing emotional connections and harmony.
DragonLeoBoth the Dragon and Leo are confident, charismatic, and have a natural flair for leadership and attention.
SnakeVirgoBoth the Snake and Virgo are insightful, analytical, and have a calm, methodical approach to life.
HorseLibraBoth the Horse and Libra are sociable, enjoy freedom, and are optimistic, with a love for beauty and balance in life.
SheepScorpioBoth the Sheep and Scorpio are sensitive, creative, and driven by their emotions, though Scorpio is more intense in its expression.
MonkeySagittariusBoth the Monkey and Sagittarius are energetic, curious, and love new experiences, with a sense of playfulness and independence.
CockCapricornBoth the Cock and Capricorn are disciplined, hardworking, and have a strong sense of responsibility, with a focus on achieving goals.
DogAquariusBoth the Dog and Aquarius are driven by loyalty to their principles, with a strong sense of justice and a desire to help others.
BoarPiscesBoth the Boar and Pisces are compassionate, sincere, and peaceful, with a love for helping others and a gentle nature.

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