How are Rokuyō days calculated?

The days basically follow the cycle from Senshō to Shakku, as listed on our About Rokuyō page.

There are exceptions; the first days of months in the 4,000-year-old Chinese lunar calendar are always assigned the same Rokuyō day:

Lunar monthFirst day
1 and 7先勝 – Senshō
2 and 8友引 – Tomobiki
3 and 9先負 – Sakimake
4 and 10仏滅 – Butsumetsu
5 and 11大安 – Taian
6 and 12赤口 – Shakku

The second day is the same as the next Rokuyō month's first day.

For example, in month 9, the 1st day is Sakimake, the 2nd day is Butsumetsu, and so on to the 6th day of Tomobiki. Then the cycle starts again at the 7th day of Sakimake.

See the pattern? (If not, look at the calendar displaying the lunar days.)

That's basically it, though there are a few banana skins, as we'll now explain.

The six-day cycle is not regular. As you see in the calendar page the cycle is reset at the start of each lunar month. Why? Because that's what it does. You might remember from junior school that the average length of a synodic month is 29.530589 days. And that means two things:

  1. Some months are 29 days, some are 30, and we throw in an extra day from time to time to smooth things out.
  2. They teach us some awesome stuff at school which we thought we'd never need. How wrong we were.

The first day of a lunar month is the day when an astronomical new moon occurs in a particular time zone. Which time zone? Well, assuming you're interested in the Rokuyō days for your time zone, then it's your time zone for the new moon which matters. No need for you to worry about that.

However, be aware that a lunar "month" is not a whole number of earth days, ranging 29 days 8 hours to 29 days 19 hours. As mentioned above, this is rounded up or down to 29 or 30 days, corresponding to the period of lunation. For regions at different longitudes (China and Japan, for example) and as different cultures used different astronomical data, a different day could be calculated as the start of the lunar month.

Complicating matters further, a leap month is added every few years to keep the calendar aligned with the seasons and solstices. Fortunately, there are innumerable lunar calendars on the internet you can copy and paste from.

For today's calculations of Rokuyō, it's a simple case of first superimposing your lunar calendar over the current Gregorian calendar (with its different number of days each month: 28, 29, 30 or 31), and then reaching for an aspirin to soothe our nerves.

Focus too much on the 'time' thing and we risk drifting into the esoteric nature of this indefinite and irreversible succession of things and events from the past through the present to the future, start chanting weird things and get taken away by burly staff in white coats.

But if you've survived so far with the above, then the remainder is a doddle.

Rokuyō is simply assigned by simple arithmetic of four numbers:

  1. The lunar month number (1 to 12)
  2. The day of that month (1 to 30)
  3. The number of days in the Rokuyō system (6, of course)
  4. The result of the calculation

(lunar month + day) ÷ 6 = result

For example, the Rokuyō day for 19th day of the tenth month of the lunar calendar is calculated using (19 + 10) ÷ 6. That's 29 ÷ 6 = 4, with 5 remainder.

Then we look at the table to see that a reminder of 5 is Butsumetsu.

Remainder = 0Taian
Remainder = 1Shakku
Remainder = 2Senshō
Remainder = 3Tomobiki
Remainder = 4Sakimake
Remainder = 5Butsumetsu

Another example, the Rokuyō day for 4th day of the third month is (4 + 3) ÷ 6. That's 7 ÷ 6 = 1, with 1 remainder and the table shows that a reminder of 1 is Shakku.

In other words, the Rokuyō day is simply determined by remainder number.

Fortunately there's no need for you to calculate this for yourself at all, because we publish the Rokuyō for every day of the years 1900 to 2100 on our 200-year calendar:, and the simpler calendar without the lunar days at