Not only wealth, but the shape of your ears determine your personality.
Big earlobes in Japan are called fukumi ("fortune ears") and are seen on images of each of the Seven Lucky Gods of Japan (shichifukujin). This is especially the case of the god Daikokuten, the god of wealth, who has whopping earlobes.
The Shichifukujin arrived in Japan in the 15th century from China which in turn came from Mahayana Buddhism in India. You'll have seen images of Buddha invariably have large earlobes which helped in hearing the voice of God.
The Chinese and Japanese kanji character for words with favourable meanings, such as "sacred", contain the ear radical, depicting the importance of the ear.
If you happen to be favoured with big earlobes then you are blessed by Daikoku and will become wealthy. But you won't keep it for yourself; you love people and will share your wealth. You have the confidence to approach life's situations calmly. When the going gets tough, you don't give up.
If you have thin and/or small earlobes, you are a stoic person, happy to move forward on your own without relying on others.
Round ears are known as "Full moon ears" and found on proactive people, interested in exploring new friendships. They are passionate and romantic, but their adventurous nature means their relationship with the same person doesn't last long.
Crescent-shaped eared people are the most gentle and reserved, reluctant to be proactive in forming a romantic relationship.
Some ears are more triangular than circular. Where the lower part is wider than the upper part, their owners are extremely affectionate and popular as a result. Yet as with bearers of crescent-shaped ears, they are not known to forward-a-pushing friendships. If the triangle is inverted with an upper part wider than the lower part, their owner tends to love new things and is quick-thinking.
Despite all the imagination which has gone into this superstition, your personality has nothing to do with the shape of your ears. The size and shape of ears is hereditary, as is the influence on shaping your personality.
Whatever shape your ears are, if your parents are wealthy, then you've a better chance of having the education and financial backing for a financially successful life. Conversely, if your parents are poor, you have less chance of becoming rich.
Your personality is influenced by the lifestyle and genes of your parents. If you're born into a family of extroverts or introverts, religious or atheist, physically strong or weak, glamorous looking or normal, whatever or whatever, then your future is not necessarily sealed.
People raised in a family with no money worries have less impetus to work hard. They can be overtaken by others born into a family that struggled hard to survive, carry on working hard and become self-made millionaires.
It happens.
Here's a cliché: The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.